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2021 Individual Studies Graduates
Tiffany Benincasa-Powell
B.S., Integrative Health Sciences
Faculty Mentor: Sharon Desmond, Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Tiffany is incredibly proud and excited to be graduating with a major in Integrative Health Sciences through the Individual Studies Program. Her major studies how biological and chemical processes, nutrition, and the mind can play an important role in the body’s stress responses and thus, overall health. Tiffany’s capstone project is a literature review on the psychophysiological effect of terpenes in medical cannabis, specifically for generalized anxiety and migraines. Through her research, she examined the biochemical mechanisms for each terpene and how they give rise to their psychotropic effects (especially as an anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic). This project is an embodiment of Tiffany’s aspirations for the research she will continue in her graduate studies and career.
While at Maryland, Tiffany was a member of the American Chemical Society (ACS) Board, IVSP Student Board, and the Chemistry Garden Phytochemical Project. She also launched her own business, OliveMoon Botanicals, as well as co-founded STRŌB Apothecary, an apothecary collective. Right after graduation, Tiffany will be working full time at Mana Supply, where she will be assisting lead their patient care initiative. She will also be focusing on her businesses, OliveMoon and STRŌB Apothecary, while applying to graduate programs. Her goal for graduate school is to pursue further study of phytotherapeutics, specializing in medicinal plant chemistry for neurological conditions.
There are so many wonderful people that have shaped and supported Tiffany through completing her bachelor’s degree including her mentor-Dr. Desmond, Dr. Burton, Lori Praniewicz, Mom, Dad, Cesar, Uncle Greg, Grandpa, Gabby… there are countless names she could mention from friends to family to friends who she truly considers family. She is so incredibly grateful for them all, and couldn’t have done it without them.
Carmen Borgia
Strategic Communication for the Environment
Faculty Mentor: Melanie Kill, Department of English
David Brown
B.S. Human-Centered Engineering Design (IVSP) & Studio Art
Faculty Mentor: Aris Cleanthous, A.James Clark School of Engineering
Marshae' Cappaninee
B.S., Infant and Maternal Health Science
Faculty Mentor: Elisabeth Maring, School of Public Health
Shannon Duffy
B.S., Sport Management and Communication (IVSP) & Kinesiology
Jake Melcher Eydt
B.A. Leadership and Community Engagement
Faculty Mentor: Gerry Strumpf, Office of Student Orientation and Transition
Jake created his major Leadership and Community Engagement in order to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for effective leadership to promote positive social change and policies within a community setting, with a special focus on social inequalities. He combined the concentrations of social inequalities, leadership, and social change and media outreach. Throughout his time at UMD, Jake was an active member of the College Park Volunteer Fire Department. For his senior capstone, he researched societal factors lead to the “macho culture” of fire departments and analyze different leadership and policy approaches other fire departments are utilizing today to combat this problem.