Current Students
IVSP 317: Progress Report
The IVSP Progress Report is a written reflection of each semester’s
progress toward the completion of your degree requirements, and provides you with a forum for on-going
self-evaluation and critical reflection on your experiences both in the classroom and out. The report is
required of all Individual Studies students each semester you are enrolled in the major (regardless of
your enrollment of IVSP317).
You register to receive final credit for IVSP317 in the semester that you plan to graduate. It is worth one credit (Satisfactory/Fail) and is based on the completion of all semester reports and your attendance at least three IVSP events every year. You will get your section number from the IVSP Staff.
Reflection Guidelines
The report must be submitted ever semester to your IVSP Faculty Mentor, with a copy to, by the last day of exams. The format is a short, written paper approximately 5 pages in length, double spaced.
IVSP Forms
- Reflection Guidelines (for on-going students)
- Final Semester Reflection Guidelines