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Anindita Mullick
Environmenal Health Policy & Decision Making


Internships/Work Experience: Physics Today Magazine, Center for Global Sustainability (UMD) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Tuscany Strategy Consulting

Awards: Banneker/Key Scholar, UMD Alumni Scholarship 2019 & 2020, APRU Global Health Case Competition Runner-Up 2020, National Merit Scholar, Omicron Delta Kappa National Honors Society, Deans List

Programs and Activities: Global Fellows (Science Diplomacy), QUEST Honors Program, Integrated Life Sciences Honors College, Rising Researchers UMD (Founder and President), UMD Tzu Ching (President), Ballroom at Maryland, UMD Alternative Breaks Experience Leader, UMaryland iGEM, Mighty Sound of Maryland Colorguard

IVSP Experience: I thrive in community environments, and the Fellows/IVSP office has provided a been my go-to for almost all of my time at UMD. Additionally, because of the experience of having to justify my interests and future career path to get into IVSP, I have had a much EASIER time reiterating the information to job interviewers and in program applications later on. With an interdisciplinary major, I’m also able to view problems from a biological, public health, and policy perspective. This not only helps me understand nuances, but also helps me connect to more people.

Advice to Prospective Students: Going through the process of making your own major is tough, and most of us that are in the program had to get over the mind blocks, technical difficulties, (and in our cohort a virtual learning environment) in order to make it through. A huge part of how we make it through is leaning on the IVSP staff. If you’ve set your heart on making a major, Lori, Dr. Burton, and the GA’s will help you get there.