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Sierra Kelley- Chung
Minority Advocacy & Public Policy


Internships: ABC Consultants, Wide Angle Youth Media

Fellowships/Scholarships: Rawlings Undergraduate Leadership Fellowship

Extracurricular Activities: I serve on President Loh's Student Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion, a group compromised of faculty, undergraduates, and graduate students that advises President Loh on the campus climate for diversity. I am currently the co-president of Community Roots, the largest multicultural advocacy organization on campus.

IVSP Experience: The Individual Studies program has empowered me to go beyond traditional fields of study in order to create an interdisciplinary major that enables me to create social change. I’ve always been passionate about being a social advocate. My wide array of courses within my major have taught me about public policy, advocacy, social inequality, journalism, and most of all leadership. IVSP has allowed me to be inspired about my education, and to inspire others as well. IVSP has led into so many opportunities, and I will truly never forget my undergraduate experience.